Jessica Taylor Jessica Taylor

🔥WittyRevolt: Ignite Your Rebellion with Hilariously Sarcastic Candles🕯️

Welcome, dear readers, to a world of wit, rebellion, and unabashed humor. Prepare to be enchanted by an Etsy store that dares to challenge the conventional, where candles are not just a source of light but a gateway to a riotous adventure. Introducing WittyRevolt, the epitome of sass and the ultimate destination for those who revel in dark humor. 😈

At WittyRevolt, they've taken the humble candle and turned it into a weapon of mass laughter. 🕯️😂 These candles are not for the faint-hearted or the easily offended; they are designed for those who appreciate a healthy dose of sarcasm, rudeness, and hilarity in their lives. Each candle is carefully crafted to be the embodiment of rebellion, a flickering flame that sets ablaze the norms of polite society. 🔥🙌

These wickedly funny candles are infused with a spirit that can only be described as pure mischief. They are like little bundles of joy that await your command to unleash their snarky brilliance. With every light, a burst of sarcasm fills the air, creating an atmosphere that defies seriousness and embraces the absurdity of life. 🎉😆

WittyRevolt's collection of candles showcases a range of irreverent and audacious themes. From witty one-liners that will leave you in stitches to rebellious slogans that challenge the status quo, these candles are your partners in crime, igniting laughter and mischief wherever they go. 💥😜 Their unruly scents and provocative designs are a testament to the power of humor in breaking down barriers and inviting a much-needed dose of lightheartedness into our lives. 🌈❤️

Whether you're looking to brighten up a dinner party with a dash of irreverence, surprise a friend with a gift that defies convention, or simply add a touch of rebellion to your everyday routine, WittyRevolt has the perfect candle to suit your needs. Let their witty creations fill your spaces with laughter, inspire cheeky conversations, and remind you to never take life too seriously. 🎁💡

Remember, dear readers, the candles of WittyRevolt are not just wax and wick. They are the embodiment of rebellion, wrapped in a delightful veil of humor. So, if you possess a wicked sense of humor and a penchant for the risqué, head over to or click the link in the dropdown menu and let the jovial revolution begin! 🚀😄

Disclaimer: The author of this blog post cannot be held responsible for any sudden outbursts of laughter, irreverent conversations, or the uncontrollable urge to adopt a mischievous alter ego upon purchasing candles from WittyRevolt. Proceed at your own risk, and remember, a candle that challenges the norm is a candle that brightens your spirit. ✨😉

Save the drama for your llama

Save the drama for your llama candle -

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Jessica Taylor Jessica Taylor

Remembering Tazi: A Heartbreaking Farewell to My Beloved Golden Retriever 🌈🐾

🌟In the blink of an eye, my world was shattered. On Monday, my beloved golden retriever, Tazi, left this world, leaving a void in my heart that feels impossible to fill. It was a sudden and unexpected loss that has taken my breath away. Tazi would have turned 10 on July 3rd, and it breaks my heart to think she didn't get to celebrate that milestone. The pain is raw, and the grief is overwhelming, but I know I must honor her memory by sharing our journey together.

💛 Tazi was more than just a dog; she was my faithful companion, my confidant, and my source of unwavering love. We shared a bond that words fail to capture. From the moment she entered my life, she brought immeasurable joy and a warmth that touched my soul. Her bright eyes and wagging tail greeted me every day, reminding me of the purest form of happiness. Though she was sweet, Tazi had a rebellious spirit that added an extra spark to our time together.

💔 Life has a cruel way of reminding us of its fragility. The discovery of two hidden tumors, on her liver and spleen, came as a devastating blow. These silent invaders ruptured, flooding her belly with blood, and there was little we could do to save her. The suddenness of her departure left me reeling, questioning why such a beautiful and rebellious spirit had to leave so soon.

😢 This week has been one of the hardest I have ever endured. Every corner of my home, every empty dog bed, echoes the void left by Tazi's absence. The routine we once shared now feels hollow, and the silence is deafening. I find myself caught in a bittersweet whirlwind of memories, cherishing the moments we shared while grappling with the reality that they can never be recreated.

🌟 Tazi's impact on my life cannot be understated. Through the years, she taught me the meaning of unconditional love, loyalty, resilience, and embracing one's rebellious spirit. We explored the world together, chasing adventures and finding solace in each other's presence. From joyful walks in the park to comforting cuddles during difficult times, she was my constant companion, and I miss her presence deeply.

❤️ I understand that healing takes time. At 53 years old, I've never been without a dog by my side, and the emptiness is palpable. But I know that my heart will mend, even if the process is slow and painful. Tazi's rebellious spirit will forever reside within me, and the love we shared will continue to guide me through this journey of grief.

🌈 I find solace in the belief that someday, we will be reunited. The Rainbow Bridge, a place where cherished pets await their beloved humans, gives me hope. Tazi, with her rebellious soul, will be there, wagging her tail and radiating the same love that lit up my life. Until that day comes, I will carry her memory in my heart and honor her legacy by loving and caring for other dogs in need.

🌟 Losing Tazi has left an indescribable void in my life. The pain is raw, and grief weighs heavily upon me. But through the tears and the sorrow, I am grateful for the immeasurable love we shared. Tazi's rebellious spirit will forever guide me, reminding me to embrace life's joys, appreciate the unconditional love that only a dog can provide, and never be afraid to let my own spirit roam free.


Me, Tazi, Mike at a charity walk

What I hope rainbow bridge is like 🌈🦩 - Tazi & ESPN together again

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Jessica Taylor Jessica Taylor

My Battle

I am more than a victim of pain—I am a warrior, blazing through obstacles and proving that nothing can extinguish my fiery resolve. In a world where no rescue is imminent, we ignite our rebellious spirits, realizing that we alone hold the power to save ourselves.

Trigeminal Neuralgia may have introduced excruciating pain into my life, but it ignited a fire within me that fueled my journey of self-discovery and success. Through self-taught endeavors like website building, machine embroidery, and sewing doggie doo doo bags, bandanas, and boxy bags, I have defied the constraints imposed by my condition and society, empowering myself and others to rise above expectations.

Teaching myself website building was not just about acquiring a new skill; it was about creating a platform to challenge societal norms and empower women. My online clothing store became a battleground where women could proudly wear their statements and opinions, refusing to be confined by society's limited definitions of what is appropriate. With designs that radiate boldness and messages that shout defiance, I aimed to inspire women to embrace their true selves, unapologetically expressing their beliefs and convictions.

In a world that often tries to extinguish our flames and dampen our spirits, I rose from the ashes of pain to ignite a revolution of authenticity and self-expression. Trigeminal Neuralgia may have tried to confine me, but it only fueled my determination to break free and unleash my fiery spirit upon the world.

Through my journey of self-teaching and entrepreneurship, I have discovered that we are not defined by our limitations; we are defined by our resilience and unwavering spirit. In the face of chronic pain and societal expectations, we have the power to rise above and create something extraordinary. Let our flames burn bright as we defy expectations, challenge norms, and inspire others to embrace their true selves.

So, let us unite in a blaze of passion and self-discovery. Together, we can prove that we are not confined to the boxes they try to put us in. We are warriors, artists, entrepreneurs, and agents of change. We are capable of igniting sparks of inspiration, fueling revolutions, and leaving our mark on the world. Embrace your fire, wear your statements proudly, and let the world feel the heat of your unwavering spirit.

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Jessica Taylor Jessica Taylor

Embrace the Tin Foil Hat: Unleash Your Inner Maverick as an Independent Thinker

Welcome to the wild and untamed world of independent thinking! Today, we embark on a daring journey that explores the rebellious spirit of a conspiracy theorist and unveils the audacious symbol of defiance—the mighty tin foil hat. Buckle up, my fearless comrades, as we plunge into the depths of unconventional wisdom and embrace the power of critical thought.

The Revolution of an Independent Thinker:

Every independent thinker has a revolutionary spirit lurking within. Mine was ignited by a thirst for truth that couldn't be quenched by mainstream narratives. I ventured beyond the boundaries of accepted beliefs, danced with forbidden ideas, and dared to question the unquestionable. The path of an independent thinker is not for the faint of heart, but for those who crave the exhilaration of breaking free from the shackles of conformity.

Unmasking the Power of the Tin Foil Hat:

In this battle of minds, the tin foil hat becomes our emblem of defiance. With its shimmering metallic fabric, it stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to guard our thoughts from the manipulative tendrils of mass indoctrination. Wearing a tin foil hat is like donning a suit of armor, shielding us from the relentless assault of propaganda and mind control. It is a symbol that proudly declares, "I am an independent thinker, and I fear no agenda!"

Daring Fashion Statements:

The tin foil hat is not merely an accessory—it's a statement of audacity and courage. It is a fashion statement that demands attention and whispers, "I refuse to be a cog in the machine." Pair it with your boldest outfits, and you'll radiate an undeniable aura of fearless individuality. Let your tin foil hat be the spark that ignites conversations, challenges preconceived notions, and invites others to question the status quo.

Embracing Intellectual Rebellion:

Being an independent thinker means fearlessly diving into the depths of knowledge and refusing to settle for superficial understanding. It means uncovering hidden truths, exposing covert agendas, and challenging the narratives that bind society. As intellectual rebels, we shatter the chains of conformity and embrace the exhilarating freedom of authentic thought. Our thirst for truth is unquenchable, and our quest for knowledge knows no bounds.

The Maverick's Journey:

The path of an independent thinker is not an easy one. It requires unwavering determination, a healthy dose of skepticism, and an insatiable curiosity. We venture into uncharted territories, navigate treacherous waters, and face the backlash of those who fear our nonconformity. But, my fellow mavericks, remember that every great thinker throughout history has faced opposition. Our courage lies in embracing the resistance and forging ahead, fearlessly carving a new path of enlightenment.

The Power of Fearless Individuality:

In a world that thrives on conformity, the independent thinker stands as a beacon of inspiration. We challenge the norms, we question the established order, and we dare to dream of a better, more enlightened world. By embracing our fearless individuality, we inspire others to break free from the chains of societal conditioning and embark on their own journey of intellectual liberation.

As we conclude this edgy exploration of independent thinking and the indomitable tin foil hat, let us stand tall in our defiance and embrace the power of fearless thought. Unleash your inner maverick, question everything, and never settle for mediocrity. The path of an independent thinker may be filled with resistance, but remember, it is on this path that true greatness is achieved.

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Jessica Taylor Jessica Taylor

Gen X

Ah, the vibrant 80s, an era that defined the spirit of freedom and rebellion. Growing up back then was like finding ourselves on an exhilarating journey, where we embraced our wild side and defied the norms that tried to hold us down. We were a bunch of spirited souls, imperfect and rough around the edges, but full of life and longing for adventure. And let me tell you, we knew how to have a damn good time.

One of our cherished rituals was gathering around a crackling campfire, miles away from civilization. In those serene moments, we experienced a profound connection with nature and each other. With a bottle of Boones Farm in hand, we reveled in the simplicity of the night, reminiscing about the past and dreaming about the future. And let me tell you, those nights were wild. We'd crank up the tunes, get our groove on, and let the fire ignite the rebel within.

Underneath the starry sky, we shared laughter and stories, our voices blending with the gentle strumming of a guitar. We may have had our share of worries, but in those tranquil moments, they vanished into the warm embrace of the fire. Life seemed both carefree and meaningful, as we sipped our sweet nectar and savored the camaraderie that only true friendships bring. And man, those memories, they're etched in our souls. They remind us of the untamed youth that still resides within, urging us to keep that spark alive, no matter how many damn years have passed. So, get your nostalgia on, my friend, and let the spirit of the 80s fill your heart once more.

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Jessica Taylor Jessica Taylor



“I don’t know where I’m goin’ but I sure know where I’ve been.” ~ Whitesnake

Embracing the Unknown: Pivoting Towards New Adventures

Life is an incredible journey filled with unexpected twists and turns. Sometimes, we find ourselves having to make a fresh start in a new city, leaving behind the familiar and venturing into the unknown. While it may seem daunting, this opportunity to pivot in life can lead to exciting adventures and personal growth. With the support of true friends who stand by your side, the process becomes an exhilarating chapter waiting to unfold. So, let's dive into the art of embracing change, starting afresh, and discovering the beauty that lies beyond Seattle's borders.

  1. Bidding Farewell to the Emerald City:

Leaving a city as vibrant and beautiful as Seattle can be bittersweet. It's a place that holds cherished memories and friendships. But remember, life is all about growth and exploration. Embrace the opportunity to venture beyond the comfort of the familiar and open your heart to new experiences.

  1. A Blank Canvas and New Opportunities:

Moving to a new city provides you with a blank canvas upon which you can paint the picture of your dreams. Embrace this chance to reinvent yourself, to explore new interests, and to challenge your limits. As you start over, let go of any preconceived notions and be open to the possibilities that lie ahead. Who knows? You may uncover passions and talents you never knew you had.

  1. Building a Support Network:

Moving to a new city can be daunting, but remember that true friends are not limited by distance. Your support network will continue to stand by your side, even if they're physically miles away. Nurture those friendships and lean on them for guidance and encouragement as you navigate this new chapter. Additionally, be open to meeting new people and forming connections in your new community. They may become your lifelong friends and allies on this exciting journey.

  1. Exploring Your New Surroundings:

Every city has its unique charm and hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Take this opportunity to explore your new surroundings, immerse yourself in the local culture, and try new activities. Seek out local attractions, cafes, parks, and events that pique your interest. By embracing your new environment, you'll create a sense of belonging and make your new city feel like home.

  1. Embracing Growth and Resilience:

Starting over requires resilience and a growth mindset. Embrace the challenges that come your way, as they provide opportunities for personal development. Use setbacks as stepping stones, learn from them, and let them shape you into a stronger, more resilient individual. Remember, the most significant growth often occurs when we step out of our comfort zones and embrace the unknown.


Although moving from Seattle and starting your life over may seem daunting, it presents an opportunity for extraordinary growth and adventure. Embrace this chance to create a new chapter in your life, filled with exciting experiences and opportunities. Lean on your true friends for support, explore your new city with curiosity, and embrace the personal growth that comes with starting afresh. Remember, life's greatest adventures often begin when we step into the unknown. So, dear reader, take that leap of faith and let the winds of change carry you towards a future filled with endless possibilities.

“I don’t know where I’m goin’ but I sure know where I’ve been.” ~ Whitesnake

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